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What is sexual assault?
The Rhode Island Department of Health helps define sexual assault as any kind of unwanted sexual contact. This means that if one person is uncomfortable with any kind of person to person touching, it is a crime. This also includes contact that occurs through clothing. Many people have questions about the nature of this crime. Many do not know where to draw the line between proper and improper behavior. Some organizations estimate that sexual assault is a very underreported. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network), an American is sexually assaulted nearly every 100 seconds.
False Accusations, an Unfortunate Reality
Unfortunately, there are occasions when someone makes false claims of sexual assault. This article from 2016 describes the terrifying reality of being falsely accused of sexual assault. It details the lives of several college students who faced accusations of assaults they did not commit. In one case, the accused had been the one who stopped his accuser from kissing him. The assault claims were an act of retaliation. Having to deal with the legal, academic, and social repercussions of a sexual assault allegation can make anyone’s life a living hell.
Where to Draw the Line in Changing Times?
The previously mentioned article also describes the current environment on college campuses. Colleges have broadened the definition of sexual assault in the last few years. This has led to a massive increase in accusations. People and society change the line between acceptable and unacceptable behavior every day. You may not think of something like dancing as a crime while others do. Improperly dancing with someone without asking for his or her permission is sexual assault. In these complex and changing times, one misstep can destroy an academic or professional career.
Get Legal Help
If you face charges for sexual assault or any other sex crime in Rhode Island, you need sound legal advice. Contact Criminal Defense Attorney S. Joshua Macktaz for a free consultation.
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